People are being terrorized due to our silence on the issue of white-sex immorality (homosexuality). The June 9, 2014 issue of Time magazine features a gay Black man in drag on its cover. Marginally talented NBA Basketball Player, Jason Collins and NFL 7th round draft pick, Michael Sam were lauded by u.s. President Obama and other prominent politicians simply for being open homosexuals and not for any athletic accomplishments in their perspective field of sport.
The traumasexuals and their zionist media are relentless. Their ruthless drive to normalize traumasexual perversion and to recruit our children into this diabolical death-style has forced many straight people into the closet. People are frightened to the point that many pretend to agree with same-sex freakiness just to avoid any backlash from the homosexual mafia.
The Black family is under a full assault from the so-called homosexual (white sex) community. Our ridiculous obsession with european anti-culture has brought our race to the doorstep of annihilation. At a time when we should be developing and implementing strategies for destroying the institution of racism white supremacy and becoming self-sufficient, we are embracing backwards sexual behaviors derived from cave dwellers. In mostly single Black female-led households in our communities, our young boys are being effeminized and our young girls are being masculinized. We are witnessing no shortage of Black boys with earrings, girlish hair dos, exposed buttocks, and feminine mannerisms. Similarly, when you observe Black girls you will find them covering their hair, wearing male clothing, fighting and posturing like boys. However, if one just takes a cursory glance at today’s Black adults then one would easily understand why our children are so screwed up! The institution of racism white supremacy has almost completely stripped the Black man and woman of our (ancient) high moral heterosexual value system.
There comes a point when the moral among us must stand strong and say ‘enough is enough!’