The white man oppresses Afrikan peoples because he possesses the power to do so. The Black man is oppressed because he has not developed the power to prevent his oppression. His oppression will end when the power of his oppressor is countered by his own power to defend himself. – Dr. Amos Wilson
The majority of Afrikan people lack accurate knowledge of who we are. We have mainly relied on our enemy’s warped educational and religious institutions to shape our self-perception. This has profoundly impacted our ability to interpret and respond to white oppression. In order for Black people to progress as a group, we must modify the way we think and act. This can only be achieved once we reeducate ourselves.
We keep looking for outsiders. Especially whites, to either solve or assist us in resolving our difficulties. However, there are a number of Afrikan warrior scholars, both past and present, who are capable of guiding us in countering racism white supremacy.