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Updated: Jan 21, 2023

We live in the so-called 'information age.' And, Black people have relative easy access to information (i.e. internet, cell phones, computers, libraries, books, etc.). If a catastrophic event happens on the other side of the world, we know about it within minutes. However, with all this access to information, Black people still don't know that whites are the planet's most prolific killers (no disrespect to the murderous arabs). Every living form of creation, animate and inanimate, that whites have taken an interest in is either extinct or has been threatened with extinction. For instance, since 1998 in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Black people have been dying at a rate of 5 per hour (over 5.4 million to date). These horrific deaths are a direct result of civil wars started and sustained by whites.

Since the slave trade and its pals imperialism and colonialism, our blood has reddened this planet. - Del Jones


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