One of the most crippling aspects of the Trans-Atlantic slave trade was that Black people were brutally kidnapped from our Afrikan motherland by wicked europeans and dispersed around the globe. Our separation from Afrika had a profound and enduring psychological, intellectual ,and spiritual effect on us. From the time of our contact with european slavers up until the present, many Black individuals, organizations, and movements have tirelessly fought to secure freedom and sovereignty for the Black race.
Unfortunately, the majority of Black people, particularly in amerikkka and europe, have been masterfully manipulated into looking, thinking, and acting like our bondage masters without even realizing it. Our enemy has steadfastly relied on his religion, entertainment and education systems to keep Black people mentally crippled. Among other harms, racism white supremacy has oppressed and suppressed Black people so long that we have forgotten and renounced our Afrikan origins. We have been absorbed into a european paradigm. As a result, many of us hate Afrika and even our Black selves.
Our resilient Black freedom fighters have been largely resistant to the typical machinations of racism white supremacy – that is until the advent of social media. In the past, there was a generic consistency among serious Black freedom fighters that even when we didn’t agree on our various approaches to liberation, we adhered to qualities such as discipline, self-reliance, knowledge of self and elder respect.
It may feel good to pretend that Black people have no internal enemies, that all skinfolk are kinfolk – to be extraordinarily positive in an overwhelmingly treasonous environment. The truth is social media has produced a plethora of negro swindlers, egomaniacs, and anti-intellectuals who are sabotaging the work of our Black race giants. Many of this new crop of so-called leaders are mixed-race, integrationist, substance users, homosexual and or mentally challenged. These saboteurs have generated chaos and confusion amongst the masses. At present, the institution of Black Nationalism is being devastated to the point where our Black liberation movement has been severely marginalized.
A soldier without any political or ideological training is a potential criminal – Thomas Sankara
In most situations, we do not have to argue with or fight our corrupt brethren. But what level-headed Afrikans cannot do is sit idly by or be intimidated into silence.