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The Continued Attack on Mother Afrika

Updated: Feb 28, 2023

The honorable Marcus Garvey founded the UNIA (Universal Negro Improvement Association) in his homeland of Jamaica in 1914. In 1916, he moved to amerikkka and established a UNIA branch in new york city. He was a powerfully effective Black leader who cultivated unity between Afrikans and the Afrikan diaspora. By the early 1920s, the UNIA had established 700 branches in 38 states, making it the most significant Black mass movement in history on any european soil. Garvey’s accomplishments are too extensive to lay out in this writing, but one of his greatest accomplishments was popularizing Pan Afrikanism and, thus, uniting Black people worldwide.

Garvey’s influential message of ‘Africa for Africans’ brilliantly reconnected formally enslaved Black people back to Afrika, our motherland. His message was so potent that in the summer of 1933, thousands of Black men (in harlem, new york, and texas) volunteered to join the Ethiopian resistance against italy. Even though Black people in amerikkka had their own tremendous battle with racism white supremacy, news had spread that italy’s benito mussolini had invaded Ethiopia. In an unprecedented and historic display of Black unity, Black men were eager to fight alongside their brothers seven thousand miles away. Not surprisingly, the u.s. state department ultimately prevented this extraordinary event from happening. Since then, europeans have stepped up their efforts, using various methods to ensure that Black people view themselves as individuals and never as Afrikans.

Factual evidence proves that whites and their negroes benefactors have been largely successful in fracturing Black unity whenever it manifests. Over 100 years since the founding of the UNIA, a mix-raced homosexual co-founded in 2016 a counter-movement called the American Descendants of Slavery (ADOS). A second anti-Pan Afrikan movement called the Foundational Black Americans (FBA) was created in 2020 by an n-word loving, integrationist egomaniac. These groups, as well as Black Lives Matter (BLM), are supported by whites (including zionists) – who are desperately trying to eviscerate Pan Afrikanism. Their message is that Garvey and the multitudes of legitimate Pan Afrikan nationalists, scholars, and historians, who have been a constant fixture in the Black liberation movement, were wrong. The so-called leaders of these groups are nothing more than greedy race hustlers, masquerading as caring Black liberators. It’s time for race-first Afrikans to let these undisciplined, immoral social media parasites know they have crossed sacred lines.

Most of the trouble I have had in advancing the cause of the race has come from Negroes.

– Honorable Marcus Garvey


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