Racism white supremacy has obliterated the righteous Black family model. This institution ha so thoroughly crippled us that, not only have we roundly accepted single female-led households as the norm, but we also have embraced backward perversions of the Black family. For example, chicago citizens, many of them Black, just elected their first Black female mayor who openly practices sexual insanity. What’s even more alarming, is that her victory was largely due to pro-homosexual zionist backing. In addition, her white lesbian partner is a so-called jew. It is extremely important for Black people to understand that the most potent form of racism white supremacy is zionism. This disturbing trend of Black people believing that 'queer people' are progressive is another clear indication that we have mostly succumbed to white oppression by normalizing insane behavior. The sad reality is that the majority of Black people are misguided sheep who refuse to examine history so that we can govern our future. Not having a thorough knowledge of who we are and where we come from negates our ability to foment an effective response to global white oppression.
For those of you who are tired of hearing about racism, imagine how much more tired we are of constantly experiencing it. –Barbara Smith